Policy on Providing Incentives for the Implementation of Clearing Service Fees and Guarantee Settlement of Futures Contract Transactions

1. The application of Clearing and Guarantee Services fees for the Settlement of Futures Contract Transactions which must be paid by Clearing Members with reference to the transaction fees charged by the Indonesian Stock Exchange as regulated in the Decree of the Directors of the Indonesian Stock Exchange Number Kep-00209/BEI/12-2024 dated 30 December 2024 concerning Regulation Number II-E concerning Futures Contract Trading is as follows:

       a. For Futures Contract Multipliers above 500,000 (five hundred thousand), the Clearing and Settlement Guarantee fee is set at IDR 6,000 (six thousand rupiah) for each contract transacted;

       b. For Futures Contract Multipliers in the range above 100,000 (one hundred thousand) to 500,000 (five hundred thousand), the Clearing and Settlement Guarantee fee is set at IDR 3,000 (three thousand rupiah) for each contract transacted;

        c. For Futures Contract Multipliers in the range above 10,000 (ten thousand) to 100,000 (one hundred thousand), the Clearing and Settlement Guarantee fee is set at IDR 1,800 (one thousand eight hundred rupiah) for each contract transacted;

        d. For Futures Contract Multipliers below or equal to 10,000 (ten thousand) with Underlying Shares listed on the Exchange, no Clearing and Settlement Guarantee fees are charged for each contract transacted; And

        e. For Futures Contracts with overseas Underlying Securities, the Clearing and Settlement Guarantee fee for each contract is set at IDR 1,800 (one thousand eight hundred rupiah) for each contract transacted.

2. Fees for Clearing and Guarantee Settlement Services for Futures Contract Transactions as referred to in number 1 do not apply to Clearing Members who act as Liquidity Providers of Futures Contracts who fulfill the obligation to submit selling offers and buying requests for each Futures Contract.

3. This decision is valid from January 2 2025 to December 31 2025 with the provisions that everything will be changed and corrected as appropriate if in the future it turns out that improvements are needed or there are errors in this decision.